I've lamented his death before here on AustinSurreal and back on HoustonSoReal of course. He was a radio DJ in England (who actually got his start in radio in Dallas) who played all forms of music and championed many, many underdogs. I'm not going to go way into it here cuz alas, I have to go to work, but facy is, if I have a hero in this world, it was him. Dude put it down like no one else and he will never be replaced.
I mean listen to the radio the world over, there's no one even close.
Check some of these links if you want to know more and I'll be back here later tonight with a full report from CMJ.
John Peel Wikipedia
John Peel on Radio 1
Search John Peel on YouTube if you want to learn what it really takes to keep it real (peel) in the music business.
He's a big influence of mine and I learned soo much about music via him. I have soo many cd's from his Peel Sessions. I'm sadden by his passing but grateful for what he has done.
i love peely!
the most inspiring thing about him was that he never settled into a rut. he was always looking for new music and never prescribed to the only-liking-what-he-listened-to-in-high-school thing that i feel most people do.
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