Anyway, I went out last Thursday night with my man Ben Webster, and we hit some of the bars on Burnet and decided to do a lil Blog Project together. Yeah, I capitalized that.

Ginny's Lil Longhorn Saloon really had it goin' down with the Alvin Crow Band killin' it. I took this picture during a quick lull on the dancefloor, rest of the night it was packed.

People were like, reveling and shit. I was enjoying a cheap ass Lone Star Beer in the back soaking it all in.

Ben Webster of (IN)Sect Records and a bunch of other shit, up in the spot on Burnet on a Thursday.

They have chicken shit bingo at this spot too. I'ma start hitting it more often, and like I say, Ben and I have a plan.

We also hit the Pour House, which has a slammin' outdoor are that reminds me of Houston's West Alabama Ice House, and they have that bean bag game that I'm actually not terrible at. So yeah, it's a winner. Hit LaLa's too but I was too lazy with the camera, I'm telling you though, that upper Burnet area has some spots. They say the old deserted Putt Putt place is gonna be turned into a beer garden. Kinda a pity with a half full beer garden right across the street, but whatever, like Lowe's and Home Depot, I will probably frequent them both with different needs. They'd be dumb than a motherfucker though to not keep the mini golf shit at the other spot.
Friday night we went to the Rozone Old School show which was off the fuckin' chain. They actually partitioned off part of the Music Hall so it wasn't the cavernous hole that it usually is when less than 1000 people are in the place, and it worked out real well. Kept the vibe tight and every performer killed it.

Doug E. Fresh even rocked a HARMONICA!

Rob Base got people hyped and then did "It Takes Two."

And the King of All Rapping, Big Daddy Kane came out and straight killed it. Even did the "jump over the dancers head and land in a split" thing. Come on hip-hop 2010...

Funniest moment of the night, was when the white dude host came out to introduce Big Daddy Kane. Problem here was that BDK's DJ had already started spinning an intro, a routine he had obviously worked out to bring BDK on stage. Well, the host dude, comes out mid-routine like ALLLLL RIGHT ARE YOU READY FOR SOME HIP HOP! Or some shit, and the DJ cut his music, and started it back up when host dude was done saying whatever he was saying. The whole place was a lil dumbfounded. Not all shows need a host. In fact, most don't.

Shit was no joke.

And Sal N Pepa came out and fucking slayed it. Lookin' as good as they did in that Shoop Era. Feel me now.
Saturday was my wife's birthday so we dropped the kids off somewhere and went to eat at Uchi.
Believe the hype. Coming from Houston, we have had some difficulties with Austin's seafood. (there's plenty of good, don't get me wrong, but Houston...) And honestly, I'm not the fine dining type of dude that you may think I am. I'd much rather go to a sloppy kinda spot with good food and just chill with some beers, than an expensive spot where people have their shirts tucked in and look all cute and shit. But I mean, go head on and believe the hype on Uchi, cuz MAN!

The food is amazing.

They move like lightening up in there. Fish still screaming on your plate and shit. It's amazing
Anyway, then we continued on with the amazing and hit up La Zona Rosa for the Corinne Bailey Rae show.

Who in my eyes can't be fucked with. She's #1 in so many ways.

Beautiful voice, beautiful woman, wonderful band, wonderful show. I was watching the show and jamming every cut thinking to myself, "Man, I have played this song on the radio before. And this one. And this one." I actually didn't realize what a real fan I was of Corinne Bailey Rae till I saw her live. Wow. Her set earlier in the day on KUT was jammin' as well.
THEN Sunday night I hit Ace's to see Tavana for a bit, then ended up at the Beauty Bar for the Zizek folks from Argentina with Austin's Peligrosa All Stars, MAYNE HOLD UP!

Serious jams were laid down for the motherfuckers asses (Wesley Willis)

El Remolon is NO JOKE

Straight up.
Then last night I hit Ace's for Tavana's CD release party. Dude was jammin' as fuck as well.

He's from Hawaii but stays in Austin and is a serious guitar man. Scroll down and find the last post I did on him and get a free MP3 with Tavana and Eddie Vedder of Pearl Jam.

Japanese Jesus (who Bun B says has the best rap name ever) and Phranchyze!

My bro Francisco Mendoza

Seen here as well with Gary Clark Jr., who I'd love to see play some shit with Tavana. Two Guitar Geniuses, yeah, I capitalized that.

The man even smashes it on a uke.

The man NA in the hizzy. I shot this one from the hip without looking and didn't realize how far I was zoomed in.

SO yeah.

It really went down this past week. Are you going to Moshito? I am. Lemme know if we can meet up if you will be in the Johannesburg area Sept. 1-3.
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