Unlike a lot of the Houston artists, I never knew DJ Screw much. We met once, I shook his hand in a record store and told him I respected what he did. I always respected what he did, even though honestly, I have never been much of a Screw head. I just always saw him as a force to be reckoned with. A DJ who touched the people like no DJ I had ever seen before.
If he were alive today, I know for sure that we'd be touring the world. I know for a fact that the "Houston movement" would have been stronger and longer lived. I know for a fact that he would have kept it real, also like no other DJ I have ever seen.
DJ Screw was the realest, and I not only miss him, but I long for his presence and influence.
CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE DAMAGE CONTROL TRIBUTE TO DJ SCREW FROM 11-17-2004. D-Drew, Grit Boys, Yungstar and more are on here flowing for the man.
That shows a classic. One of the finest moments we had with the late D-Drew on there. Drew was murdered a couple weeks back in Houston. Found dead in a car at 7 a.m. I don't know what happened, all I know is another one of my dudes is gone.
That's actually one of the reasons we moved to Austin, I can't take too much heartbreak. Too many of my friends in Houston have passed, way too young in these past years.
R.I.P. DJ Screw and your young potna D-Drew.

Thanks to Tim BBS for the photos. We will be up at Damage Control first week of December together to do a 1 year anniversary tribute to Pimp C.
See what I am saying?
Crazy shit is last night we did a lil impromptu tribute to DJ Screw in the back parking lot of the Beauty Bar. My man Craig Stewart wanted DJ Chill to play with these experimental bands Rusted Shut, Peaking Lights and The Golden Boys. So I talked to Chill and reminded him that at midnight it would be the 8th ANniversary of the passing of DJ Screw.
DJ Screw and DJ Chill lived together in the early 90's and shared turntables! So he knows his history.
So anyway, Screw's music was experimental, so we had Chill play classics from Screw tapes all night at this experimental show. Shit was off the chain. Went all over the place last night.

Anyway, Rusted Shut are Houston legends of filth.

Killin' it!


DJ Chill!

Richard Henry and DJ Chill

Sarah is a friend of mines and DJ Chill. I forgot she was from Austin though, but she is. Off that Nawf. Anyway, she came down and was all like "HEEEEEY I CAME TO SEE YOU AND DJ CHILL!" But didn't quite understand any of the rest of the music. So I put Don on her to make sure she learned.

Pon di mic.

Peaking Lights getting PRESS!

Craig again!

Rufus of the Scoot Inn. Lets not forget SISTER NANCY/QUEEN MAJESTY/GRIMY STYLES/MOSSMAN SOUNDSYSTEM Nov. 22nd at The Scoot Inn!

Don loves the Golden Boys.

DJ Chill almost DJed for the Golden Boys

Anyway it went down. Another fine event! DJ Chill played Tom Tom Club and Burning Spear directly off them Screw tapes.
We miss you Screw. Screw Love.
AND 4 PM TODAY WE HEADED TO THIS! DJ Richard Henry doing the thang at the I Luv Video on Airport. It's goin' down! A tough times party. Com ehave some brews and check some jams.

wtf wrong w/ u atx fooz?
WHY YOU HATIN??? How do I get the Katy Perry Afterparty? I'm really not trippin'. Just a walk through, you can host. Craig on the tables.
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