As far as we know.
The buzz on this group is insane and I am freaking the fuck out right now! Sorry to have to scoop all y'all other blogs out there so severely with this magnanimous news, but seriously man, it's fucking real and I am fucking stoked. About to freak out.
I know you feel me. I'm not even trippin'.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
My Boys The Chicharones are In Town Thursday!
JOSH MARTINEZ AND SLEEP! THE HOMEYS FOR SURE! Every time me and the Dude named Devin end up in Canada, we always have the boy Josh Martinez lookin' out for us. He's fam for sure, and Sleep is one of the best rappers ever. Devin's on Josh's new solo album, if you haven't heard it already, maybe get you a copy at the show. It's at Karma:
Karma Lounge
119 W 8th St
Austin, TX 78701

I'ma be there, word to DJ Notion for bringing these dudes back to Austin. See you thurr.
Karma Lounge
119 W 8th St
Austin, TX 78701

I'ma be there, word to DJ Notion for bringing these dudes back to Austin. See you thurr.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
I Think Austin Might Really Be Hip-Hop City
This Weekend Is Insane!
I talked to Bun B last week. We had a slight bit of business to attend to and he said to me, "Matt, I'm telling you like I'm telling everybody, I don't wanna talk about shit till after the inauguration." I felt him on that cuz that was pretty much how I felt as well. These past couple weeks I've just been on the edge of my seat. So ready, so ready to see that motherfucker get on that helicopter. Couldn't really think about anything else.
Well, he got on the helicopter, landed somewhere in Texas, where he's probably inhaling sausages, whiskey, cocaine, whatever it is that fuels him, and well, OUR MAN HAS ENTERED THE OVAL OFFICE.
It's time to get the fuck up and work. You want change? Help the man bring change. Work for it. I know I am down to work. Are you? The thumb hath been lifted off our backs people.
And now we have hope. For what it's worth. I started a poem for Obama, much nicer than the one I wrote for EX-president(s) Bush, but it's not done yet. For alas, I am not a poet, but you know, I feel a bit inspired.
ANYHOO THAT'S NEITHER HERE NOR THERE! I think I was trying to explain why I haven't been blogging. It's all that and the fact that for a week I wasted A LOT of time Twittering. I am finished with the Twittering. Back to blogging. Though I did e-meet some very nice people via that Tweetin' lil thang thang.
But no, this post is about THIS WEEKEND IN AUSTIN! LEGENDS FLOODING THE CITY! Two of my favorite classic hip-hoppers will be in our town and oh what to do, what to do. I guess try to do both. (and then some)
First of all - THE TEACHER! KRS-ONE hit's the Mohawk.

Dudes, last month it was Ice Cube, this month it's KRS-ONE at one of my favorite spots in town. I'll be on the roof, in the back, absorbing all sorts of knowledge.
And I'ma try to roll through the Hi-Ro Music Festival. Billed as the Festival where hip-hop meets rock (but peep the flyer, where does "nature" fit into this equation?), De La Soul headlines an all day bill that includes my dudes Pimpin' Pen, Zeale, Dirty Wormz, Big Red Rooster, Omega Red and way more. It's really goin' down!

Like all day and such. Click the link below and go to the events page for more info on what it's all about and where to get tickets.
For real though, De La Soul and KRS-ONE on the same night. It's a quandary.
I also wanna check this show out. My man Nick D of the Kriminals ALWAYS reps for ATX man. He does some strong local shows, often directly on the south side of town. Far from the debacle that is 6th Street on a weekend. Real Austin and such. This will be his first show at the Little Mexico Restaurant on South First. Now I may be partial to Polvo's (THAT SALSA!) but um, dudes, you cannot sleep on the South Side Special at Little Mexico, real talk. This could be the place to be in between Hi-Ro and KRS-ONE to refuel and check out some serious shit. Kriminals are killin' it.

Also the South Side Special, and possibly a margarita.
But real talk, Austin has one of the strongest hip-hop scenes I have ever seen. EVERYONE comes here, all the time, like multiple times a year it seems. From all coasts, and mostly indie dudes. Like we get all the good indie dudes, and a minimal amount of the major dudes from the hype machine. It's so dope. Like my dudes The Chicharones are coming to Karma on January 29th even. Josh Martinez and Sleep are two incredible MC's and my dudes for real fo' life. So yeah, I'll be there. Karma, January 29th...
And that's where these photos were taken, on DJ Notions night at Karma. Dude is killin' it.

It was a birthday party for Flynn D and Gerald G, seen here with Will Hustle, JJ of Philliez Beats, Dee-Rail and friend. I actually turned 37 fucking years young when I took this photo as well. Yes, Flynn and I share a birthday. Perhaps he has told you. Anyway, 37 is the new 17 FTW.

Dudes from Dallas whose names I hath forgotten and my man Pilarsito

But alas, I got a little restless, and could not hang out all night. Mostly because SXSW is coming up so that means anytime I step into a hip-hop event I gotta stand and listen to a million peoples business plans and plans for world domination and how throwed they are and how they gotta get a slot at SXSW cuz they are gonna kill it and they are the only dudes really doing it out here and they got next and they gone blow up and they gone bring all of Austin up with them and when they blow up Austin gonna blow and it's for Austin, I do it for Austin, I'm blowing up and yadda yadda yadda. It's always the same. I don't really ever get to see or hear any performances, not with both ears anyway.
So I rolled out to see my man DJ Jester. He was spinning at the Yo Majesty after party, once again at The Mohawk, so I passed thru to see my dude.

And sat there and jammed to his crazy mish mash of weird out 80's music, hip-hop, country, whatever, he kills it.

One of them real dudes on them tables. Anyway I'ma try to finish my lil thang for Obama tonight, but for now it's off to work I go. Less than 2 months till SXSW, have you purchased your registration yet? I think this is the year that you need a badge, cuz we have shit poppin' on all levels, and will be announced soon. But yeah dudes, it's really goin' down.
Well, he got on the helicopter, landed somewhere in Texas, where he's probably inhaling sausages, whiskey, cocaine, whatever it is that fuels him, and well, OUR MAN HAS ENTERED THE OVAL OFFICE.
It's time to get the fuck up and work. You want change? Help the man bring change. Work for it. I know I am down to work. Are you? The thumb hath been lifted off our backs people.
And now we have hope. For what it's worth. I started a poem for Obama, much nicer than the one I wrote for EX-president(s) Bush, but it's not done yet. For alas, I am not a poet, but you know, I feel a bit inspired.
ANYHOO THAT'S NEITHER HERE NOR THERE! I think I was trying to explain why I haven't been blogging. It's all that and the fact that for a week I wasted A LOT of time Twittering. I am finished with the Twittering. Back to blogging. Though I did e-meet some very nice people via that Tweetin' lil thang thang.
But no, this post is about THIS WEEKEND IN AUSTIN! LEGENDS FLOODING THE CITY! Two of my favorite classic hip-hoppers will be in our town and oh what to do, what to do. I guess try to do both. (and then some)
First of all - THE TEACHER! KRS-ONE hit's the Mohawk.

Dudes, last month it was Ice Cube, this month it's KRS-ONE at one of my favorite spots in town. I'll be on the roof, in the back, absorbing all sorts of knowledge.
And I'ma try to roll through the Hi-Ro Music Festival. Billed as the Festival where hip-hop meets rock (but peep the flyer, where does "nature" fit into this equation?), De La Soul headlines an all day bill that includes my dudes Pimpin' Pen, Zeale, Dirty Wormz, Big Red Rooster, Omega Red and way more. It's really goin' down!

Like all day and such. Click the link below and go to the events page for more info on what it's all about and where to get tickets.
For real though, De La Soul and KRS-ONE on the same night. It's a quandary.
I also wanna check this show out. My man Nick D of the Kriminals ALWAYS reps for ATX man. He does some strong local shows, often directly on the south side of town. Far from the debacle that is 6th Street on a weekend. Real Austin and such. This will be his first show at the Little Mexico Restaurant on South First. Now I may be partial to Polvo's (THAT SALSA!) but um, dudes, you cannot sleep on the South Side Special at Little Mexico, real talk. This could be the place to be in between Hi-Ro and KRS-ONE to refuel and check out some serious shit. Kriminals are killin' it.

Also the South Side Special, and possibly a margarita.
But real talk, Austin has one of the strongest hip-hop scenes I have ever seen. EVERYONE comes here, all the time, like multiple times a year it seems. From all coasts, and mostly indie dudes. Like we get all the good indie dudes, and a minimal amount of the major dudes from the hype machine. It's so dope. Like my dudes The Chicharones are coming to Karma on January 29th even. Josh Martinez and Sleep are two incredible MC's and my dudes for real fo' life. So yeah, I'll be there. Karma, January 29th...
And that's where these photos were taken, on DJ Notions night at Karma. Dude is killin' it.

It was a birthday party for Flynn D and Gerald G, seen here with Will Hustle, JJ of Philliez Beats, Dee-Rail and friend. I actually turned 37 fucking years young when I took this photo as well. Yes, Flynn and I share a birthday. Perhaps he has told you. Anyway, 37 is the new 17 FTW.

Dudes from Dallas whose names I hath forgotten and my man Pilarsito

But alas, I got a little restless, and could not hang out all night. Mostly because SXSW is coming up so that means anytime I step into a hip-hop event I gotta stand and listen to a million peoples business plans and plans for world domination and how throwed they are and how they gotta get a slot at SXSW cuz they are gonna kill it and they are the only dudes really doing it out here and they got next and they gone blow up and they gone bring all of Austin up with them and when they blow up Austin gonna blow and it's for Austin, I do it for Austin, I'm blowing up and yadda yadda yadda. It's always the same. I don't really ever get to see or hear any performances, not with both ears anyway.
So I rolled out to see my man DJ Jester. He was spinning at the Yo Majesty after party, once again at The Mohawk, so I passed thru to see my dude.

And sat there and jammed to his crazy mish mash of weird out 80's music, hip-hop, country, whatever, he kills it.

One of them real dudes on them tables. Anyway I'ma try to finish my lil thang for Obama tonight, but for now it's off to work I go. Less than 2 months till SXSW, have you purchased your registration yet? I think this is the year that you need a badge, cuz we have shit poppin' on all levels, and will be announced soon. But yeah dudes, it's really goin' down.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
For George W. Bush On Your Last Day In Office
For George W. Bush
I don’t blame you,
I blame myself.
I blame myself for these past eight years, because while you were trampling on our nation,
and the nations of others, I, and the rest of America sat here and did not do shit.
Some may have made signs, a few wrote letters, one dude made a couple films, another made straight to DVD treatises nobody understood, we all sat around the dinner table and complained, we cursed you, we called for your head, as we inhaled our meals and headed back off to work.
If we were lucky enough to have work.
We’d sit over beers and talk of how unfair your wars have been, how evil your reign has been, how far down our nation has slunk. We’d get riled up amongst ourselves and vow to never let such a thing happen again.
Then we went to bed, woke up the next day, punched in, and tuned out.
We didn’t burn you in effigy outside the Fox news office. We let them exist in peace too. We rarely tuned our radios to the left of the dial, in fact we barely turned them on at all. We relied on the images that you fed the TV, to feed our minds and burn our souls.
Like the skin of so many men, women and children has burned, under your reign of terror.
Mothers have lost children and children have lost mothers and fathers have disappeared forever without a trace, in the name of your war.
Those planes didn’t hit the Twin Towers because of me, they hit because of you. Still I recoiled in fear and stupidly let you handle it. We should have handled it. We the people, in order to find a more perfect union, must have stopped looking.
I mean, we definitely stopped looking. And like good little worker bees, we let the boss man do his job, even if we knew you were taking advantage and working to destroy us all. We LET you do this. We allowed you to do this. And here we sit.
Having hope. A hope for a new America. A hope for a new day where you, like your father, retire to the baseball field, the basketball court, the polo grounds, where ever you people go to find solace. To have fun. To enjoy the rest of your days.
To smell the roses.
As opposed to the fires that will still burn on for years after you walk away from the winners circle. The fires that We the People in Order to Form a More Perfect Union, will still be fighting.
While you sit, already forgotten what you have done. You see no problem with it. Burn the brown skin black with nary a care the world over. Imprison an idea. Tell a man who is fighting for his freedom that he is a terrorist. Tell a man whose land has been stolen that he is the problem. Tell a man, tell all of us, that it’s all for our own good, and yeah, we’ll believe it.
We can say that we didn’t, but really we did.
But now you are gone. Gone to the suburbs of Dallas with so many other empty souls, guarded by their moneys, protected by their hate filled delusions that allow for nary a glimpse into the realities of the humans on whose backs you stand.
Good riddance Mr. Bush. I won’t say I loved you, because I never did.
I don’t blame you,
I blame myself.
I blame myself for these past eight years, because while you were trampling on our nation,
and the nations of others, I, and the rest of America sat here and did not do shit.
Some may have made signs, a few wrote letters, one dude made a couple films, another made straight to DVD treatises nobody understood, we all sat around the dinner table and complained, we cursed you, we called for your head, as we inhaled our meals and headed back off to work.
If we were lucky enough to have work.
We’d sit over beers and talk of how unfair your wars have been, how evil your reign has been, how far down our nation has slunk. We’d get riled up amongst ourselves and vow to never let such a thing happen again.
Then we went to bed, woke up the next day, punched in, and tuned out.
We didn’t burn you in effigy outside the Fox news office. We let them exist in peace too. We rarely tuned our radios to the left of the dial, in fact we barely turned them on at all. We relied on the images that you fed the TV, to feed our minds and burn our souls.
Like the skin of so many men, women and children has burned, under your reign of terror.
Mothers have lost children and children have lost mothers and fathers have disappeared forever without a trace, in the name of your war.
Those planes didn’t hit the Twin Towers because of me, they hit because of you. Still I recoiled in fear and stupidly let you handle it. We should have handled it. We the people, in order to find a more perfect union, must have stopped looking.
I mean, we definitely stopped looking. And like good little worker bees, we let the boss man do his job, even if we knew you were taking advantage and working to destroy us all. We LET you do this. We allowed you to do this. And here we sit.
Having hope. A hope for a new America. A hope for a new day where you, like your father, retire to the baseball field, the basketball court, the polo grounds, where ever you people go to find solace. To have fun. To enjoy the rest of your days.
To smell the roses.
As opposed to the fires that will still burn on for years after you walk away from the winners circle. The fires that We the People in Order to Form a More Perfect Union, will still be fighting.
While you sit, already forgotten what you have done. You see no problem with it. Burn the brown skin black with nary a care the world over. Imprison an idea. Tell a man who is fighting for his freedom that he is a terrorist. Tell a man whose land has been stolen that he is the problem. Tell a man, tell all of us, that it’s all for our own good, and yeah, we’ll believe it.
We can say that we didn’t, but really we did.
But now you are gone. Gone to the suburbs of Dallas with so many other empty souls, guarded by their moneys, protected by their hate filled delusions that allow for nary a glimpse into the realities of the humans on whose backs you stand.
Good riddance Mr. Bush. I won’t say I loved you, because I never did.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Monday, January 12, 2009
Real Tweet is a Movement.
Check it on down y'all, REAL TWEET is the new movement. No more need for speech. Just Tweet y'all, Tweet like someone might care.
Cuz they might. I don't know. All I know is I didn't understand Twitter, and I still don't, but I also kind of mastered it without ever truly gaining full understanding of it, and I think that might be the whole point of it. Utter confusion. This thing is utterly confusing. For the younger, faster minds maybe.
But yeah I'm fuckin' trying to kill it on there. Check this out...
And you can read some dumb shit like this. (I guess read from bottom up?)
Pushermania @mofoz - the some real tweet right there dog.
half a minute ago from web in reply to mofoz
I actually don't like the idea of following or having followers. But if you are following me, understand the power of the neti pot. 12:22 PM Jan 11th from web
My ear is bleeding and I am not kidding. OK Shower time with the Ayurvedic soap that says to leave on 3-5 minutes. My lil cuz need beterjamz 12:20 PM Jan 11th from web
Nothings changed. 12:08 PM Jan 11th from web
In the gay part of town at a diner. 12:08 PM Jan 11th from web
HAVING TEA! So fast you didn't even see it. 12:08 PM Jan 11th from web
I think you feel me. 12:08 PM Jan 11th from web
That was Selena with "Amor Prohibido" on 12:07 PM Jan 11th from web
I'm currently tripping off the buffer. 12:07 PM Jan 11th from web
My lil junior cousin is playing music on the internet! PEEP IT ON OUT! 12:06 PM Jan 11th from web
Happy Birthday J-Ro 12:06 PM Jan 11th from web
Play the Role remix featuring Pow Wow, "you'd never believe the people who told me they heard it." 12:06 PM Jan 11th from web
@senari - Good luck with school. BUT NEVER GIVE UP YOUR FREEDOM! THIS IS AMERICA. 12:05 PM Jan 11th from web in reply to senari
I'ma make a pasta sauce today that'll blow the stiffest tits backwards. Also inside out. 12:05 PM Jan 11th from web
Meet me at the fountain 11:53 AM Jan 11th from twidroid
Pages E2 - E3 in the Statesman today is where I'm at right now. 11:33 AM Jan 11th from twidroid
John Kelso breaks down Twitter in todays Statesman and I feel him. 10:53 AM Jan 11th from twidroid
i'm just watching the Real Tweet movement grow. REP YO CITY RIGHT NOW IF YOU'RE REAL! ATX!
4 minutes ago from web
I'm just helping to develop it REAL TWEET! 9 minutes ago from web
@edica - Billy Blanks is from Erie, PA. REAL TWEET! @BobbyPhats - Real Tweet is an open source statement. No c. & I didn't start it. 9 minutes ago from web
Me and Deuce and Mos ARE NOT watching 24 and that's some Real Tweet. 30 minutes ago from web
The movement grows, thats why it called a movement. I'm jammin archive of Queen Majesty show from earlier today. 31 minutes ago from web
I got 12 followers since I started saying Real Tweet at the behest of my dude luxurymindz and such. 32 minutes ago from web
Real Tweet 32 minutes ago from web
Real Tweet I still can't keep up with what day it is since the holidaze. Any1 else having this problem? Monday right? 32 minutes ago from web
CUZ LUXURY MINDZ SAID THAT! 34 minutes ago from web
RT@luxurymindz - Credit where due: We have coined the phrase "Real Tweet". [Similar in concept to "Real Talk"] Feel free to Re-Tweet. 34 minutes ago from web
@elizabethashlee - That some Reat Tweet right there, I feel every word you done said. 35 minutes ago from web
Real Tweet is the movement in conjunction with Sabbath in the Park and Beatiful Sunrises The Movement, LLC about 1 hour ago from twidroid
And that's how we tweet it in Texas we say REAL TWEET cuz the OG Oscar said that! REAL TWEET! about 1 hour ago from twidroid
RIP SUSAN cousin of my favorite DJ. DJ Stef. REAL TWEET! about 1 hour ago from twidroid
This the tweetest thing I ever wrote. about 2 hours ago from twidroid
In this order - Survivorman, 30 Rock, Planet Earth, Biscuit Brothers, Dutch Soccer, possibly a DVD. about 7 hours ago from web
They be rapping and shit? about 8 hours ago from twidroid
ORGONE! about 9 hours ago from web
I'M OFF TO BANG OUT SOME HEAT TOOOOOOOOO @sos about 9 hours ago from web
I just raised my voice about 10 hours ago from twidroid
@sosdude - its never too late about 10 hours ago from twidroid
@elizabethashlee - yes ma'am that is a good policy. We generally do not follow, but here I suppose it is ok. about 10 hours ago from web in reply to elizabethashlee
@sosradio - YES WE DO. about 10 hours ago from web in reply to sosradio
or how they are following me. still confused. about 11 hours ago from web
Just figured out that I wa sbarely following anyone so I found some folks to follow and am not sure how I am following most of these people about 11 hours ago from web
I lost a follower during my torrential downpour ot Tweets yesterday but then gained 5. Is that good? about 13 hours ago from web
This sauce right here has pomi, garlic minced and big chunks, bay leaf, basil, oregano, salt, pepper, yellow squash, y mas 3:24 PM Jan 11th from twidroid
I'm sanding my feet right now too. Naw. Making a sauce that'll stop all war. 3:19 PM Jan 11th from twidroid
@cosmobaker - this could be it 1:25 PM Jan 11th from web in reply to cosmobaker
@luxurymindz - you are invited to the pasta event if you want. of course. 12:49 PM Jan 11th from web in reply to luxurymindz
I'm doing all of this in honor of John Kelso's column today - 12:45 PM Jan 11th from web
Eva is stuck under the bed HOLD ON! 12:40 PM Jan 11th from web
OMG she is playing the fucking ROSE right now. Some say love is a rainbow, I say its more like lazers frying your heart. 12:40 PM Jan 11th from web
This flyer is like major inspirado. 12:36 PM Jan 11th from web
SoReal. 12:33 PM Jan 11th from web
Also sit by the river and ponder. You can still twet on the phone if need be. But you shouldn't. Don't be like me. 12:33 PM Jan 11th from web
@crew54 - Embrace the fact that your computer is broke on such a beautiful day. Go to the hill country. Smoke you one. And climb a hill. 12:32 PM Jan 11th from web in reply to crew54
I tend to be awake. 12:31 PM Jan 11th from web
Super crunk, super wild, just the way I move the crowd. 12:31 PM Jan 11th from web
You might say it's arrogant, but I say it's competant. I'm just havin' fun with it. 12:31 PM Jan 11th from web
In the song "Get Crunk, Get Buck" does Al Kapone say "Neti Pottin' it?" No he says "I be poppin' it." Never mind. 12:30 PM Jan 11th from web
@crew54 - let me help you find the way. That ought to help. 12:29 PM Jan 11th from web in reply to crew54
It's obviously no longer my day. 12:27 PM Jan 11th from web
In my day, a "tweeter" was a penis on a small child. 12:27 PM Jan 11th from web
Sometimes I have to tell my people to get the funk out they K-Hole and LIVE. 12:24 PM Jan 11th from web
And you will be o.k. 12:22 PM Jan 11th from web
Alright so yeah, that was really dumb, and like John Kelso I also think the shit is kind of dumb, but yeah it can be fun, and it can probably also ensure that I'll never get another legitimate job again, ever, so I better stay on my toes. Yeah. Anyway. Don't read all that. I told you start from the bottom and go up, but I meant to say no, go away, don't read all that gibberish. I mean, it's some Real Tweet, all that is some Real Tweet, and that's the movement, but no, don't waste your time. But...
Staccatto sentences and such.
Is this where it's all headed?
Cuz they might. I don't know. All I know is I didn't understand Twitter, and I still don't, but I also kind of mastered it without ever truly gaining full understanding of it, and I think that might be the whole point of it. Utter confusion. This thing is utterly confusing. For the younger, faster minds maybe.
But yeah I'm fuckin' trying to kill it on there. Check this out...
And you can read some dumb shit like this. (I guess read from bottom up?)
Pushermania @mofoz - the some real tweet right there dog.
half a minute ago from web in reply to mofoz
I actually don't like the idea of following or having followers. But if you are following me, understand the power of the neti pot. 12:22 PM Jan 11th from web
My ear is bleeding and I am not kidding. OK Shower time with the Ayurvedic soap that says to leave on 3-5 minutes. My lil cuz need beterjamz 12:20 PM Jan 11th from web
Nothings changed. 12:08 PM Jan 11th from web
In the gay part of town at a diner. 12:08 PM Jan 11th from web
HAVING TEA! So fast you didn't even see it. 12:08 PM Jan 11th from web
I think you feel me. 12:08 PM Jan 11th from web
That was Selena with "Amor Prohibido" on 12:07 PM Jan 11th from web
I'm currently tripping off the buffer. 12:07 PM Jan 11th from web
My lil junior cousin is playing music on the internet! PEEP IT ON OUT! 12:06 PM Jan 11th from web
Happy Birthday J-Ro 12:06 PM Jan 11th from web
Play the Role remix featuring Pow Wow, "you'd never believe the people who told me they heard it." 12:06 PM Jan 11th from web
@senari - Good luck with school. BUT NEVER GIVE UP YOUR FREEDOM! THIS IS AMERICA. 12:05 PM Jan 11th from web in reply to senari
I'ma make a pasta sauce today that'll blow the stiffest tits backwards. Also inside out. 12:05 PM Jan 11th from web
Meet me at the fountain 11:53 AM Jan 11th from twidroid
Pages E2 - E3 in the Statesman today is where I'm at right now. 11:33 AM Jan 11th from twidroid
John Kelso breaks down Twitter in todays Statesman and I feel him. 10:53 AM Jan 11th from twidroid
i'm just watching the Real Tweet movement grow. REP YO CITY RIGHT NOW IF YOU'RE REAL! ATX!
4 minutes ago from web
I'm just helping to develop it REAL TWEET! 9 minutes ago from web
@edica - Billy Blanks is from Erie, PA. REAL TWEET! @BobbyPhats - Real Tweet is an open source statement. No c. & I didn't start it. 9 minutes ago from web
Me and Deuce and Mos ARE NOT watching 24 and that's some Real Tweet. 30 minutes ago from web
The movement grows, thats why it called a movement. I'm jammin archive of Queen Majesty show from earlier today. 31 minutes ago from web
I got 12 followers since I started saying Real Tweet at the behest of my dude luxurymindz and such. 32 minutes ago from web
Real Tweet 32 minutes ago from web
Real Tweet I still can't keep up with what day it is since the holidaze. Any1 else having this problem? Monday right? 32 minutes ago from web
CUZ LUXURY MINDZ SAID THAT! 34 minutes ago from web
RT@luxurymindz - Credit where due: We have coined the phrase "Real Tweet". [Similar in concept to "Real Talk"] Feel free to Re-Tweet. 34 minutes ago from web
@elizabethashlee - That some Reat Tweet right there, I feel every word you done said. 35 minutes ago from web
Real Tweet is the movement in conjunction with Sabbath in the Park and Beatiful Sunrises The Movement, LLC about 1 hour ago from twidroid
And that's how we tweet it in Texas we say REAL TWEET cuz the OG Oscar said that! REAL TWEET! about 1 hour ago from twidroid
RIP SUSAN cousin of my favorite DJ. DJ Stef. REAL TWEET! about 1 hour ago from twidroid
This the tweetest thing I ever wrote. about 2 hours ago from twidroid
In this order - Survivorman, 30 Rock, Planet Earth, Biscuit Brothers, Dutch Soccer, possibly a DVD. about 7 hours ago from web
They be rapping and shit? about 8 hours ago from twidroid
ORGONE! about 9 hours ago from web
I'M OFF TO BANG OUT SOME HEAT TOOOOOOOOO @sos about 9 hours ago from web
I just raised my voice about 10 hours ago from twidroid
@sosdude - its never too late about 10 hours ago from twidroid
@elizabethashlee - yes ma'am that is a good policy. We generally do not follow, but here I suppose it is ok. about 10 hours ago from web in reply to elizabethashlee
@sosradio - YES WE DO. about 10 hours ago from web in reply to sosradio
or how they are following me. still confused. about 11 hours ago from web
Just figured out that I wa sbarely following anyone so I found some folks to follow and am not sure how I am following most of these people about 11 hours ago from web
I lost a follower during my torrential downpour ot Tweets yesterday but then gained 5. Is that good? about 13 hours ago from web
This sauce right here has pomi, garlic minced and big chunks, bay leaf, basil, oregano, salt, pepper, yellow squash, y mas 3:24 PM Jan 11th from twidroid
I'm sanding my feet right now too. Naw. Making a sauce that'll stop all war. 3:19 PM Jan 11th from twidroid
@cosmobaker - this could be it 1:25 PM Jan 11th from web in reply to cosmobaker
@luxurymindz - you are invited to the pasta event if you want. of course. 12:49 PM Jan 11th from web in reply to luxurymindz
I'm doing all of this in honor of John Kelso's column today - 12:45 PM Jan 11th from web
Eva is stuck under the bed HOLD ON! 12:40 PM Jan 11th from web
OMG she is playing the fucking ROSE right now. Some say love is a rainbow, I say its more like lazers frying your heart. 12:40 PM Jan 11th from web
This flyer is like major inspirado. 12:36 PM Jan 11th from web
SoReal. 12:33 PM Jan 11th from web
Also sit by the river and ponder. You can still twet on the phone if need be. But you shouldn't. Don't be like me. 12:33 PM Jan 11th from web
@crew54 - Embrace the fact that your computer is broke on such a beautiful day. Go to the hill country. Smoke you one. And climb a hill. 12:32 PM Jan 11th from web in reply to crew54
I tend to be awake. 12:31 PM Jan 11th from web
Super crunk, super wild, just the way I move the crowd. 12:31 PM Jan 11th from web
You might say it's arrogant, but I say it's competant. I'm just havin' fun with it. 12:31 PM Jan 11th from web
In the song "Get Crunk, Get Buck" does Al Kapone say "Neti Pottin' it?" No he says "I be poppin' it." Never mind. 12:30 PM Jan 11th from web
@crew54 - let me help you find the way. That ought to help. 12:29 PM Jan 11th from web in reply to crew54
It's obviously no longer my day. 12:27 PM Jan 11th from web
In my day, a "tweeter" was a penis on a small child. 12:27 PM Jan 11th from web
Sometimes I have to tell my people to get the funk out they K-Hole and LIVE. 12:24 PM Jan 11th from web
And you will be o.k. 12:22 PM Jan 11th from web
Alright so yeah, that was really dumb, and like John Kelso I also think the shit is kind of dumb, but yeah it can be fun, and it can probably also ensure that I'll never get another legitimate job again, ever, so I better stay on my toes. Yeah. Anyway. Don't read all that. I told you start from the bottom and go up, but I meant to say no, go away, don't read all that gibberish. I mean, it's some Real Tweet, all that is some Real Tweet, and that's the movement, but no, don't waste your time. But...
Staccatto sentences and such.
Is this where it's all headed?
Friday, January 9, 2009
We Made Some Announcements for SXSW...
Keep checking back to this link:
People such as myself are quite excited for this. Here's a couple more teasers - Balance, Bird Peterson...
Here's the latest list of bands performing at SXSW 2009! Check back often for updates!
This list subject to change.
8Ball & MJG (Memphis, TN)
Akron/Family (Williamsport, PA)
Al Kapone (Memphis, TN)
Alina Simone (Brooklyn, NY)
Amanda Blank (Philadelphia, PA)
Amber Smith (Budapest, HUNGARY)
Angry vs The Bear (Essex, ENGLAND)
Anthony Snape (Sydney, AUSTRALIA)
Arc Angels (Austin, TX)
Asher Roth (Morrisville, PA)
Asobi Seksu (Brooklyn, NY)
Astrid Williamson (Shetland Islands, SCOTLAND)
B.o.B. (Atlanta, GA)
Banda de Turistas (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Bar-Kays (Memphis, TN)
Bavu Blakes (Austin, TX)
Ben Kweller (Austin, TX)
Benny Gallagher (West Wickham, ENGLAND)
Black Cherry (London, ENGLAND)
BLACK SKIES (Chapel Hill, NC)
Blaqstarr (Baltimore, MD)
Blue Scholars (Seattle, WA)
Bomba Estereo (Bogota, Columbia)
Brick Bandits (Philadelphia, PA)
Buck 65 (Halifax, NS)
Buraka Som Sistema (Lisbon, Portugal)
Candy Coated Killahz (Toronto, CANADA)
Cashier No.9 (Belfast, IRELAND)
Casiokids (Bergen, NORWAY)
Charles Hamilton (New York, NY)
Choc Quib Town (Bogota, Columbia)
Chris T-T (Brighton, ENGLAND)
Come On Gang! (Edinburgh, SCOTLAND)
Crystal Method (Los Angeles, CA)
Crystal Stilts (New York, NY)
Damero (Berlin, Germany)
Dananananaykroyd (Glasgow, Scotland)
Dave Alvin (Los Angeles, CA)
David Garza (Austin, TX)
Dead Prez (New York, NY)
Dekadens (Bucharest, ROMANIA)
Dirtblonde (Liverpool, ENGLAND)
Division Miniscula (Matamoros, Mexico)
Doctor Krapula (Bogota, Columbia)
Ella (Bristol, ENGLAND)
Empire ISIS (Montreal, CANADA)
Explosions in the Sky (Austin, TX)
Flood of Red (Glasgow, SCOTLAND)
Franki Chan (Los Angeles, CA)
Free Sol (Memphis, TN)
Futumomo Satisfaction (Tokyo, Japan)
Gabi Almedia (Sao Paolo, Brazil)
Gary Clark Jr. (Austin, TX)
Grimy Styles (Austin, TX)
Hacienda (San Antonio, TX)
Hickoids (Austin, TX)
Ida Maria (Stockholm, Sweden)
Insite (Mexicali, Mexico)
Invincible (Detroit, MI)
Jokers of the Scene (Ottawa, ON)
Kap Bambino (Bordeaux, France)
Kid Sister (Chicago, IL)
Killer Mike (Atlanta, GA)
LA Riots (Los Angeles, CA)
Los Fancy Free (Mexico City, Mexico)
Madi Diaz (Nashville, TN)
Manana (Basil, SWITZERLAND)
Mandi Perkins (Los Angeles, CA)
Mexican Institute of Sound (Mexico City, Mexico)
Micachu (London, ENGLAND)
Midnight Youth (Auckland, NEW ZEALAND)
Mika Miko (Los Angeles, CA)
Mike Badger (Liverpool, ENGLAND)
Mistah FAB (Oakland, CA)
Monokino (Amsterdam, THE NETHERLANDS)
Moriarty (Montreuil, FRANCE)
Motel (Mexico City, Mexico)
Mundo Livre Sa (Recife, Brazil)
My Crew Be Unruly (Baltimore, MD)
My Federation (Hove, ENGLAND)
Nacho Vegas (Gijon, Spain)
Nacional (Glasgow, SCOTLAND)
Outasight (New York, NY)
P.O.S. (Minneapolis, MN)
Pato Machete (Monterrey, Mexico)
Peter Bjorn & John (Stockholm, Sweden)
Peter Rosenberg (New York, NY)
Port O'Brien (Cambria, CA)
Primal Scream (Glasgow, Scotland)
Ra Ra Riot (Syracuse, NY)
Reflection Eternal (Ohio/New York)
Rob Quest (Houston, TX)
Sage Francis (Providence, RI)
San Quinn (San Francisco, CA)
Scribe (Christchurch, NZ)
Shad (London, Ontario)
Shawn David McMillen (Austin, TX)
Simplifires (Mexico City, Mexico)
Soulico (Tel Aviv, Israel)
St. Vincent (Dallas, TX)
Suzy & Los Quattro (Barcelona, Spain)
T Bird & The Breaks (Austin, TX)
Tanya Morgan (Brooklyn, NY)
Temposhark (London, ENGLAND)
The Beat Poets (Belfast, IRELAND)
The Carrivick Sisters (Devon, ENGLAND)
The Courteneers (Manchester, UK)
The deBretts (London, ENGLAND)
The Deep Dark Woods (Saskatoon, CANADA)
the Devil Wears Prada (Dayton, OH)
The Everyday Visuals (Boston, MA)
The Knux (New Orleans, LA)
The Pepper Pots (Girona, Spain)
The Sonics (Seattle, WA)
The Temper Trap (Nth Fitzroy, AUSTRALIA)
thecocknbullkid (London, ENGLAND)
Thee Oh See's (San Francisco, CA)
This Bike Is A Pipe Bomb (Pensacola, FL)
Tittsworth (Washington, DC)
Tommy Tee (Oslo, Norway)
Toy Horses (Barry, WALES)
Twilight Hotel (Winnipeg, CANADA)
Virgin Passages (London, ENGLAND)
Volodja Balzalorsky (Ljubljana, SLOVENIA)
WAZ (Los Angeles, CA)
We Have Band (London, ENGLAND)
We Should Be Dead (Limerick, IRELAND)
White Lies (London, ENGLAND)
Whitechapel (Knoxville, TN)
Willem Maker (Turkey Heaven, AL)
Willy Joy (Chicago, IL)
Yarah Bravo (New York, NY)
This list subject to change.
I have a feeling that these folks are gonna be the big buzz of the conference this year. Y'all can chase Asher Roth all day, I'ma ride for these folks:
People such as myself are quite excited for this. Here's a couple more teasers - Balance, Bird Peterson...
Here's the latest list of bands performing at SXSW 2009! Check back often for updates!
This list subject to change.
8Ball & MJG (Memphis, TN)
Akron/Family (Williamsport, PA)
Al Kapone (Memphis, TN)
Alina Simone (Brooklyn, NY)
Amanda Blank (Philadelphia, PA)
Amber Smith (Budapest, HUNGARY)
Angry vs The Bear (Essex, ENGLAND)
Anthony Snape (Sydney, AUSTRALIA)
Arc Angels (Austin, TX)
Asher Roth (Morrisville, PA)
Asobi Seksu (Brooklyn, NY)
Astrid Williamson (Shetland Islands, SCOTLAND)
B.o.B. (Atlanta, GA)
Banda de Turistas (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Bar-Kays (Memphis, TN)
Bavu Blakes (Austin, TX)
Ben Kweller (Austin, TX)
Benny Gallagher (West Wickham, ENGLAND)
Black Cherry (London, ENGLAND)
BLACK SKIES (Chapel Hill, NC)
Blaqstarr (Baltimore, MD)
Blue Scholars (Seattle, WA)
Bomba Estereo (Bogota, Columbia)
Brick Bandits (Philadelphia, PA)
Buck 65 (Halifax, NS)
Buraka Som Sistema (Lisbon, Portugal)
Candy Coated Killahz (Toronto, CANADA)
Cashier No.9 (Belfast, IRELAND)
Casiokids (Bergen, NORWAY)
Charles Hamilton (New York, NY)
Choc Quib Town (Bogota, Columbia)
Chris T-T (Brighton, ENGLAND)
Come On Gang! (Edinburgh, SCOTLAND)
Crystal Method (Los Angeles, CA)
Crystal Stilts (New York, NY)
Damero (Berlin, Germany)
Dananananaykroyd (Glasgow, Scotland)
Dave Alvin (Los Angeles, CA)
David Garza (Austin, TX)
Dead Prez (New York, NY)
Dekadens (Bucharest, ROMANIA)
Dirtblonde (Liverpool, ENGLAND)
Division Miniscula (Matamoros, Mexico)
Doctor Krapula (Bogota, Columbia)
Ella (Bristol, ENGLAND)
Empire ISIS (Montreal, CANADA)
Explosions in the Sky (Austin, TX)
Flood of Red (Glasgow, SCOTLAND)
Franki Chan (Los Angeles, CA)
Free Sol (Memphis, TN)
Futumomo Satisfaction (Tokyo, Japan)
Gabi Almedia (Sao Paolo, Brazil)
Gary Clark Jr. (Austin, TX)
Grimy Styles (Austin, TX)
Hacienda (San Antonio, TX)
Hickoids (Austin, TX)
Ida Maria (Stockholm, Sweden)
Insite (Mexicali, Mexico)
Invincible (Detroit, MI)
Jokers of the Scene (Ottawa, ON)
Kap Bambino (Bordeaux, France)
Kid Sister (Chicago, IL)
Killer Mike (Atlanta, GA)
LA Riots (Los Angeles, CA)
Los Fancy Free (Mexico City, Mexico)
Madi Diaz (Nashville, TN)
Manana (Basil, SWITZERLAND)
Mandi Perkins (Los Angeles, CA)
Mexican Institute of Sound (Mexico City, Mexico)
Micachu (London, ENGLAND)
Midnight Youth (Auckland, NEW ZEALAND)
Mika Miko (Los Angeles, CA)
Mike Badger (Liverpool, ENGLAND)
Mistah FAB (Oakland, CA)
Monokino (Amsterdam, THE NETHERLANDS)
Moriarty (Montreuil, FRANCE)
Motel (Mexico City, Mexico)
Mundo Livre Sa (Recife, Brazil)
My Crew Be Unruly (Baltimore, MD)
My Federation (Hove, ENGLAND)
Nacho Vegas (Gijon, Spain)
Nacional (Glasgow, SCOTLAND)
Outasight (New York, NY)
P.O.S. (Minneapolis, MN)
Pato Machete (Monterrey, Mexico)
Peter Bjorn & John (Stockholm, Sweden)
Peter Rosenberg (New York, NY)
Port O'Brien (Cambria, CA)
Primal Scream (Glasgow, Scotland)
Ra Ra Riot (Syracuse, NY)
Reflection Eternal (Ohio/New York)
Rob Quest (Houston, TX)
Sage Francis (Providence, RI)
San Quinn (San Francisco, CA)
Scribe (Christchurch, NZ)
Shad (London, Ontario)
Shawn David McMillen (Austin, TX)
Simplifires (Mexico City, Mexico)
Soulico (Tel Aviv, Israel)
St. Vincent (Dallas, TX)
Suzy & Los Quattro (Barcelona, Spain)
T Bird & The Breaks (Austin, TX)
Tanya Morgan (Brooklyn, NY)
Temposhark (London, ENGLAND)
The Beat Poets (Belfast, IRELAND)
The Carrivick Sisters (Devon, ENGLAND)
The Courteneers (Manchester, UK)
The deBretts (London, ENGLAND)
The Deep Dark Woods (Saskatoon, CANADA)
the Devil Wears Prada (Dayton, OH)
The Everyday Visuals (Boston, MA)
The Knux (New Orleans, LA)
The Pepper Pots (Girona, Spain)
The Sonics (Seattle, WA)
The Temper Trap (Nth Fitzroy, AUSTRALIA)
thecocknbullkid (London, ENGLAND)
Thee Oh See's (San Francisco, CA)
This Bike Is A Pipe Bomb (Pensacola, FL)
Tittsworth (Washington, DC)
Tommy Tee (Oslo, Norway)
Toy Horses (Barry, WALES)
Twilight Hotel (Winnipeg, CANADA)
Virgin Passages (London, ENGLAND)
Volodja Balzalorsky (Ljubljana, SLOVENIA)
WAZ (Los Angeles, CA)
We Have Band (London, ENGLAND)
We Should Be Dead (Limerick, IRELAND)
White Lies (London, ENGLAND)
Whitechapel (Knoxville, TN)
Willem Maker (Turkey Heaven, AL)
Willy Joy (Chicago, IL)
Yarah Bravo (New York, NY)
This list subject to change.
I have a feeling that these folks are gonna be the big buzz of the conference this year. Y'all can chase Asher Roth all day, I'ma ride for these folks:
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Get Your CHEAP Flights To SXSW NOW!
Yo for real I know it gets a lil pricey making the trek down to SXSW every year, but UM, if you got it, get 'em now. I just did a quick search of and found these fares so you know, IT'S REALLY GOIN' DOWN!!!!
My search was for arriving in Austin March 17th and leaving March 23rd.
From NYC on Continental DIRECT - $233, on American with a stop - $240
From LAX on American with one stop - $200 even!
From San Francisco - $185 on American with one stop.
From Chicago - $263 Direct on American (Why they trippin'?)
From London - $476 on US Airways!!! $525 on Continental!!!
From Oslo - $772 on American.
From Amsterdam - $729 on multiple airlines.
From Toronto - $389 on Northwest, $390 on American, GET WITH IT T-DOT!
From Tokyo - $1,028 on Continental!!!
From Sydney - $1,030 on United.
Y'all can look up the rest if you like, but seriously if you are planning on coming to SXSW this year, BUY YOUR FLIGHTS NOW. I cannot see them getting any cheaper... And if you already bought your flight and that particular flight price went down, youc an request a partial refund!
My search was for arriving in Austin March 17th and leaving March 23rd.
From NYC on Continental DIRECT - $233, on American with a stop - $240
From LAX on American with one stop - $200 even!
From San Francisco - $185 on American with one stop.
From Chicago - $263 Direct on American (Why they trippin'?)
From London - $476 on US Airways!!! $525 on Continental!!!
From Oslo - $772 on American.
From Amsterdam - $729 on multiple airlines.
From Toronto - $389 on Northwest, $390 on American, GET WITH IT T-DOT!
From Tokyo - $1,028 on Continental!!!
From Sydney - $1,030 on United.
Y'all can look up the rest if you like, but seriously if you are planning on coming to SXSW this year, BUY YOUR FLIGHTS NOW. I cannot see them getting any cheaper... And if you already bought your flight and that particular flight price went down, youc an request a partial refund!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Twisted Black Update, Sort of
It is to me anyway. My man Push sent me this link. I haven't heard much about the man in a minute, but um, FREE TWISTED BLACK.

Sunday, January 4, 2009
2008 was quite great, but um, yeah, 2009 is so mine
WE HAVE A BLACK PRESIDENT! It's true, in fact I think I have to say, it's bout to go down, it really is. I don't know why I feel hope, but I do. As news comes in that one of the members of PR was killed, by a tank, in Gaza, I'm still sitting here, having hope.
PR being the group PALESTINIAN RAPPERS of which my man Mohammed Al Farrar is a member (and thankfully, now living in Dallas).
But I feel hope. It's not like I don't think bombs will drop in the next eight years, I just feel like maybe less bombs will drop. It's not like I am looking at Obama as a savior figure, as so many others are, but for the first time in my life, and I am serious, almost 37 years into it, I feel hope for the world.
Please don't prove me wrong.
Like these pigs in Oakland on New Years...
Anyhoo, that's neither here nor there. I always get this strange feeling around the turn of the years. Seriously, ever since I was a little kid, I'd get this sense of doom around midnight on New Years Eve and could never really explain why. I mean, if you think about our calendar in realistic terms, it means nothing whatsoever. I mean yeah, it's a good gauge of the turn of the seasons, and it tells you what days to go to work, but all those numbers really don't mean shit. So why would I shudder?
I guess cuz I'm a worrier, I really am. I worry and fret over everything, all the while keeping up this guise of cool. People tell me they have never met someone as laid back as I am, and I always think to myself, "that's cuz you can't hear the screaming inside." I mask it well. And when I don't, people tend to flee my cipher.
Like last year round about this time, the family and I were moving to Austin. I was ready for the move, excited for it in fact, but I was also totally worried. I lived here for pretty much all of 1995, then again from January of 1997 - September of 1998. Had tons of fun and such, but always felt a bit closed in by Austin. Or really, like I didn't fit in.
There's a good chunk of me that fits the laid back Austin mold, but I also tend to be sort of brash, hurried, and terribly unsatisfied with anything, which kinda doesn't work here.
I wasn't sure how I was gonna fit into the landscape of Austin, but to be real with you, once I got here and really got into it, I fell in love with this city and today truly think Austin is one of the greatest in our nation.
And yeah, it's because of the lakes, it's because of the weather, it's because of the roof decks at The Mohawk and Flamingo Cantina, it's because I have a cool job at SXSW with a steady check, but really it's mostly because of you. The people who have welcomed my family and I to this town. The people I work with. The people I hang with. The family that surrounds us. It's like a whole different world from Houston, and I love it.
Austinites are on a wholly different level.
I love Houston, and if you've been reading me over the past few years, you know I love Houston. That's my city.
But in Houston there's 4 million people and in Austin there's about a million. In Houston when I put a show/party together with progressive artists most people have never heard of I can get like 150-250 people, in Austin I can expect an EASY 300 and sometimes hit like 600 and shit. It's so weird man.
And then of course in Houston, the mainstream shit draws stadium crowds, but that's not my concern.
I like music. I love music. I love art. Great art, and feel as though all real art should be held in the highest regard. From a rare Picasso, to a verse from Trae, like seriously, it's all art and should be regarded as such. I have to admit that living in Houston I kinda didn't surround myself with enough "rarified Picasso's" and kinda well, immersed myself in too many "verses from Trae." (Note I am being symbolic here, I hope you get it. I am a Trae super fan).
Therefore kind of souring me on rap music in general. There's not enough Trae's is what I say. So as of late I've been really spending more time with other forms of music.
Anyway, that's what makes Austin so appealing to me. I mean, in Houston, there's a few cool bands, there's a couple scenes that are real cool and worth diving into, but really for me, the sound of Houston is RAP. It's Rap City to the fullest. Here in Austin, musically it's a little more up my alley. There's still great rap music here, from street shit to innovative indie kids, but I mean, when I think about the bands/artists I have seen this year, who hail from right here in this town, it blows my mind.
Grimy Styles, Rattletree Marimba, Awesomecooldudes, {{{Sunset}}}, When Dinosaurs Ruled The Earth, Gerald G, Gary Clark Jr., Bavu Blakes, White Denim, Bird Peterson, Neckbone & Terell Shahid, Rapid Ric, Young Nick... man the list goes on and on and in so many different directions. Austin really is a true music town. (Though my two favorite and most promising young rap acts - Southbound and Dred Skott - broke up. Also PPT from Dallas. Grrr.)
Anyway, I guess as a blogger I am supposed to come up with all sorts of year end lists, but that really was never my thing. I even feel bad about making the short list above as I know I am forgetting a lot of names who deserve to be on it.
But you can read a list I made for the Austinist here. They asked for my top 5 albums of 2008 and well, the ones I listed were surely ones that stood out.
And this list right here made me shed a light tear! listed their best moments in Austin hip-hop and mentioned me. Which means a lot man. Seriously. How nice. And man, that list brought back memories. Dudes pretty much nailed it. I forgot how much happened in this one short year...
So that was nice. But I am not much for lists. I will say however that my 52 favorite freestyles came from Bavu Blakes, who uploaded a new song/flow every week in 2008 to
His latest, and last of the year is 72 bars over like 8 beats. GO GET THAT! And look for Bavu's Long Player entitled TOO SELFISH in mid-2009 or we all just give up.
Someone already got I guess...
Some of my favorite mixes of the year came from Lil Tiger and his folks over at Dudes DO NOT STOP!
KUT Became my favorite radio station. I actually realized that last Christmas just before we moved here. I was laying in bed in a hotel room by Highland Mall contemplating my impending move, listening to the late night music on KUT and was like wow man, having a great music station means so much. Houston radio SUCKS at night (and this is coming from a dude who did a late night radio show for 5.5 years, but alas, I couldn't lay in bed and listen to that). Anyway thank the Good Lord for KUT.
Um, ME Television sort of bit the dust this year, which would qualify as my greatest Austin Music Disappointment of the year, cuz well, I had a lot of hope for that little station. I still say if they had a couple more markets, and not just Austin, they could really thrive.
I don't know where I am going for this, I think I am blogging for the sake of blogging. Writing words, because I haven't in so long. Thinking about Austin, when I should be out experiencing it on my last day off of the winter break. But alas, I've spent the past almost 2 weeks outside, in 70 degree weather and sunshine, and today, well this 46 degrees is just bone chilling to me. I think I'll grab my Sunday Statesman, a beer, and go sit on the couch and read someone elses writing.
I really just wrote all this to say Thank You to all of y'all who have made my new-ish life in Austin so wonderful, and to say, that um, well I'm gonna blow up huge and do something really nice for this town, effective NOW. Major announcement coming soon.
And man, I can't wait to tell you about all the hip-hop that's coming to SXSW this year. I can't spill it all but um... B.o.B., Wale, Asher Roth, Sage Francis, P.O.S., dead prez, Al Kapone, 8Ball & MJG WITH A LIVE BAND, Bavu Blakes, Gerald G, man lemme stop. This year there's gonna be more hip hop than ever and it's gonna blow your (and my) mind.
And I'ma do at least one show/party a month if not more. I don't care. It's goin' down. Happy New Year to you and yours and lets try to stay in better touch.
PR being the group PALESTINIAN RAPPERS of which my man Mohammed Al Farrar is a member (and thankfully, now living in Dallas).
But I feel hope. It's not like I don't think bombs will drop in the next eight years, I just feel like maybe less bombs will drop. It's not like I am looking at Obama as a savior figure, as so many others are, but for the first time in my life, and I am serious, almost 37 years into it, I feel hope for the world.
Please don't prove me wrong.
Like these pigs in Oakland on New Years...
Anyhoo, that's neither here nor there. I always get this strange feeling around the turn of the years. Seriously, ever since I was a little kid, I'd get this sense of doom around midnight on New Years Eve and could never really explain why. I mean, if you think about our calendar in realistic terms, it means nothing whatsoever. I mean yeah, it's a good gauge of the turn of the seasons, and it tells you what days to go to work, but all those numbers really don't mean shit. So why would I shudder?
I guess cuz I'm a worrier, I really am. I worry and fret over everything, all the while keeping up this guise of cool. People tell me they have never met someone as laid back as I am, and I always think to myself, "that's cuz you can't hear the screaming inside." I mask it well. And when I don't, people tend to flee my cipher.
Like last year round about this time, the family and I were moving to Austin. I was ready for the move, excited for it in fact, but I was also totally worried. I lived here for pretty much all of 1995, then again from January of 1997 - September of 1998. Had tons of fun and such, but always felt a bit closed in by Austin. Or really, like I didn't fit in.
There's a good chunk of me that fits the laid back Austin mold, but I also tend to be sort of brash, hurried, and terribly unsatisfied with anything, which kinda doesn't work here.
I wasn't sure how I was gonna fit into the landscape of Austin, but to be real with you, once I got here and really got into it, I fell in love with this city and today truly think Austin is one of the greatest in our nation.
And yeah, it's because of the lakes, it's because of the weather, it's because of the roof decks at The Mohawk and Flamingo Cantina, it's because I have a cool job at SXSW with a steady check, but really it's mostly because of you. The people who have welcomed my family and I to this town. The people I work with. The people I hang with. The family that surrounds us. It's like a whole different world from Houston, and I love it.
Austinites are on a wholly different level.
I love Houston, and if you've been reading me over the past few years, you know I love Houston. That's my city.
But in Houston there's 4 million people and in Austin there's about a million. In Houston when I put a show/party together with progressive artists most people have never heard of I can get like 150-250 people, in Austin I can expect an EASY 300 and sometimes hit like 600 and shit. It's so weird man.
And then of course in Houston, the mainstream shit draws stadium crowds, but that's not my concern.
I like music. I love music. I love art. Great art, and feel as though all real art should be held in the highest regard. From a rare Picasso, to a verse from Trae, like seriously, it's all art and should be regarded as such. I have to admit that living in Houston I kinda didn't surround myself with enough "rarified Picasso's" and kinda well, immersed myself in too many "verses from Trae." (Note I am being symbolic here, I hope you get it. I am a Trae super fan).
Therefore kind of souring me on rap music in general. There's not enough Trae's is what I say. So as of late I've been really spending more time with other forms of music.
Anyway, that's what makes Austin so appealing to me. I mean, in Houston, there's a few cool bands, there's a couple scenes that are real cool and worth diving into, but really for me, the sound of Houston is RAP. It's Rap City to the fullest. Here in Austin, musically it's a little more up my alley. There's still great rap music here, from street shit to innovative indie kids, but I mean, when I think about the bands/artists I have seen this year, who hail from right here in this town, it blows my mind.
Grimy Styles, Rattletree Marimba, Awesomecooldudes, {{{Sunset}}}, When Dinosaurs Ruled The Earth, Gerald G, Gary Clark Jr., Bavu Blakes, White Denim, Bird Peterson, Neckbone & Terell Shahid, Rapid Ric, Young Nick... man the list goes on and on and in so many different directions. Austin really is a true music town. (Though my two favorite and most promising young rap acts - Southbound and Dred Skott - broke up. Also PPT from Dallas. Grrr.)
Anyway, I guess as a blogger I am supposed to come up with all sorts of year end lists, but that really was never my thing. I even feel bad about making the short list above as I know I am forgetting a lot of names who deserve to be on it.
But you can read a list I made for the Austinist here. They asked for my top 5 albums of 2008 and well, the ones I listed were surely ones that stood out.
And this list right here made me shed a light tear! listed their best moments in Austin hip-hop and mentioned me. Which means a lot man. Seriously. How nice. And man, that list brought back memories. Dudes pretty much nailed it. I forgot how much happened in this one short year...
So that was nice. But I am not much for lists. I will say however that my 52 favorite freestyles came from Bavu Blakes, who uploaded a new song/flow every week in 2008 to
His latest, and last of the year is 72 bars over like 8 beats. GO GET THAT! And look for Bavu's Long Player entitled TOO SELFISH in mid-2009 or we all just give up.
Someone already got I guess...
Some of my favorite mixes of the year came from Lil Tiger and his folks over at Dudes DO NOT STOP!
KUT Became my favorite radio station. I actually realized that last Christmas just before we moved here. I was laying in bed in a hotel room by Highland Mall contemplating my impending move, listening to the late night music on KUT and was like wow man, having a great music station means so much. Houston radio SUCKS at night (and this is coming from a dude who did a late night radio show for 5.5 years, but alas, I couldn't lay in bed and listen to that). Anyway thank the Good Lord for KUT.
Um, ME Television sort of bit the dust this year, which would qualify as my greatest Austin Music Disappointment of the year, cuz well, I had a lot of hope for that little station. I still say if they had a couple more markets, and not just Austin, they could really thrive.
I don't know where I am going for this, I think I am blogging for the sake of blogging. Writing words, because I haven't in so long. Thinking about Austin, when I should be out experiencing it on my last day off of the winter break. But alas, I've spent the past almost 2 weeks outside, in 70 degree weather and sunshine, and today, well this 46 degrees is just bone chilling to me. I think I'll grab my Sunday Statesman, a beer, and go sit on the couch and read someone elses writing.
I really just wrote all this to say Thank You to all of y'all who have made my new-ish life in Austin so wonderful, and to say, that um, well I'm gonna blow up huge and do something really nice for this town, effective NOW. Major announcement coming soon.
And man, I can't wait to tell you about all the hip-hop that's coming to SXSW this year. I can't spill it all but um... B.o.B., Wale, Asher Roth, Sage Francis, P.O.S., dead prez, Al Kapone, 8Ball & MJG WITH A LIVE BAND, Bavu Blakes, Gerald G, man lemme stop. This year there's gonna be more hip hop than ever and it's gonna blow your (and my) mind.
And I'ma do at least one show/party a month if not more. I don't care. It's goin' down. Happy New Year to you and yours and lets try to stay in better touch.
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