But yeah, last week I went to Karma and saw The Chicharones who packed the house and killed a bomb ass set full of actual rapping with skill, and magic tricks including Josh LEVITATING and a dude in a pigs mask and a suit dancing. Know'm talm bout?
And yeah, I have a new policy, I'm never watching another rapper rap over a CD with vocal tracks again. Ever. I'll leave. We should all demand our money back when that happens. Fuck that shit. Annoying. I know you feel me.

Chicahrones did not do that. They came out and performed a musical of sorts complete with costume changes, choreographed routines, and the aforementioned magic.

Crew 54 caught up with Josh before the show, see the footage below.

And the boys just fuckin' killed it.

Talm bout?
And here's some footage from the show courtesy of The54RealityShow...
54 Reality Show 2-02 from The 54 Reality Show on Vimeo.
And below please find some bonus footage from The54RealityShow - Z-Ro, K-Rino, Point Blank, Kriminals, Da C.O.D., Carnival Beats and MORE in concert!
The 54 Reality Show 2-09 from The 54 Reality Show on Vimeo.
Z-Ro & Much More Live From Spiro's this past weekend.
K-Rino Live @ Spiros, Austin from The 54 Reality Show on Vimeo.
THE MIGHTY K-RINO Live at Spiro's this past weekend.
And then I thought it had been a while since you had seen the girls.

Here's DJ Eva after the Chinese New Years Parade a couple weeks back.

And MC Elena with her favorite gnome.
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