Ah and what a daze it was. A Monday night in Houston at my favorite club night in Texas, hands down. Why I prefer Monday nights to Friday nights, I'll never know. I just do. I bet in 2010 I was out till 2am on more Mondaze than I was on Fridaze, it just is what it is. Killing the pain of the beginning of another week and such, I suppose.
Anyway, it went the fuck down.

DJ Sun invited me to come down and play my collection of skewed holidaze jams and I was like WHAAAAAAT? Of course I'll come play at like I said, my favorite club night in Texas for years hands down, of course I would. Why wouldn't I? Truth be told, I was praying that I'd get to Houston sometime during the holidaze season, I got mad family there yo, and some of my favorites came out to hang. And I mean, DJ Sun, that's one of the greatest DJ's on the planet right there. On par with anyone you consider to be great, if not better. So yeah, what an honor.

My brother DJ Chill came out and I can't tell you how thankful I am that I got to spend some time with him over the holidaze. I'll never forget the time he came to my house on Christmas and fell asleep in a crown hat and my kids laughed, and laughed and laughed. I get sad sometimes thinking about what I left behind in Houston. Damage Control, the radio show I hosted with DJ Chill for almost 6 years, still lives, but I truly miss being a part of it. Man do I miss it.
This the picture I was talm bout.

I was also happy that my sis Tish came out, ON HER BIRTHDAY! So it was like a double whammy, got to see Tish (also Herb) for the holidaze, AND her birthday. She was actually a big part of getting KPFT to put Damage Control on the air, if ya dun know. She rules.

And HADEEL as well. My Lord, so glad I got to see my sis Hadeel as well. Feel the holidaze realness, that's fam.

The moon was very low on this particular night. Not that you can really see that in this picture. But whatever. Crazy thing is, I was standing in a circle, nee, a cipher, with Tish, Herb, Hadeel, Chill, etc, and someone said "You know there's supposed to be a meteor shower tonight." So we looked up and I am not kidding within one second we saw a HUGE shooting star just go zinging through the sky. It was a really amazing moment, for us all.

DJ Sun really does rule. He has a new release set for January so we gone have to get him to Austin for a set soon.

My bro Bubba is not supposed to have his picture on the internet, but whatever dude, it's Christmas. Seen here with PHIL.

DJ Chill and Giselle in the place!

And then Giselle made me take a pic of the three of us, cuz "I'm always taking pictures of myself like that."

Another one of the GREATEST DJS ON THE PLANET, the one dem call GOOD GRIEF! seen here with Brother Phil once again.

And here's Phil again, seen here with Teresa of SF2, who you can see, had a grand time. Always so good to see my sis Teresa too. She does such great things for the hip-hop community in Houston, and her store, SF2 hath become a real hub for all things hip-hop in Houston.

My homey Debra was swept off her feet by this woman who said she was from Venezuela. According to Debra she asked her if she was a lesbian, when she said no, she said "Me neither, but I want you." And swept her off her feet and onto the dance floor. And then bought her some fruity shot that looked like it would probably hurt in the morning time. Silly pseudo lezboz.

Anyway this was the last photo I took of the night. Pissed I didn't get photos of everyone who came out to party, I DUN NO WHAT WRONG WIT ME! But my man Wayne, David Anderson III, Shea Serrano, Krang Da Brain, DeAndrea Wright, um, so many good folks were in the house, and it truly warmed my heart for the holidaze. Austin, I love you, but Houston, I miss you so much.
I need more Houston in my life these days, and way more DAMAGE CONTROL. I think I need to upload the Damage Control show I did one Christmas night, when Lil Joe Washington came in and joined me, in fact, I'ma upload that today. Check back to AustinSurreal later, you GOT to hear this....