But yo, seriously, this show went all the way down. What an incredible night. I don't throw the biggest shows, that has been established for years, but I do throw the realest shows. And knowing that that goal hath been met, is all I really need.

Would have been nice to walk out of there with a load of cash, but I thought it would be even nicer if we all just let our people in and we had a party. Celebrating this new wave of Texas hip-hop. A wave that is about to hit like a tsunami out of control. First overtaking Texas, then the world.
Alright that's a little much. Lets get to the story at hand. The night opened up with DJ Charlie killin' it on the wheels. At 10pm or so, San Antonio's OBX hit the stage. He is dope. A real true school lyricist. He's got songs with Illmind, Skyzoo and more and he's on all the blogs right now. Word to him.

Good to see something really poppin' out of San Antonio. On the next New Texas show expect to see Worldwide and Question? also from San Antonio. I love that city.

With the release of the When Pigs Fly EP and all the attention they are getting, it probably would have made sense to make ADd+ from Dallas the headliners of tonights show. But to be honest, having them second was an incredible move because I swear...

They made everybody on that bill step their game up exponentially.

Nothing against anyone, because everyone on the bill tonight is a force to be reckoned with, not a slouch in the group. All the acts have fire music, great stage shows, and decent buzzes going right now. But um, I tell you what, you don't want to come out after ADd+ slacking.

You really just don't.

Super producer Picnic joined them on stage. Always so great to see him.

ADd+ rocked with an energy I rarely see anymore. The chemistry between these two dudes in unstoppable. And I mean, they made me think of the groups I really loved coming up as a youth, and one thing I always said that was essential in hip-hop groups is chemistry.

Think about EPMD, 3rd Bass, or any other number of classic hip-hop groups back in the day. What set them apart was chemistry. Everyone really doing it had beats and rhymes, but the ones who really stuck, had a real chemistry. These two dudes belong together, on stage, and in the booth, rockin'.

I am so serious. If you don't have ADd+'s free album, you are trippinG and need to go get it here.

Amazing. Can't wait to do more shows with them.

And everyone on the show on this particular evening. http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif

Fat Tony, man, he really came out and killed it. He did this thing where he had his main mic and then put a delay pedal on another mic and instantly became his own hype man/adlib machine.

It was so dope. He is another real force on the Texas hip-hop scene. In fact he will be taking this madness up to New York for 3 shows this weekend. Get at him on Twitter/fattonyrap and go see him!

Seriously tho!

I really can't wait to see the Crew54 footage of the night. Thanks SO MUCH for coming out y'all! Word to G-Christ. Mos I got you in his absence lets do some work.

Two serious Texas hip-hop pioneers. Cold Cris and DJ Nick Nack! I wish there was a pic of me and Cris from this night as we were both dressed as the Yumder Twins. Anyway. These are my dudes from Day 1.

Mah girrrrlz

The Niceguys, from Houston, came out and straight tore the place down. I have seen them a few times and they have an unparalleled energy about them.

They are also really, really doing things on the scene these daze.

AND they brought Jack Freeman with them. This is the new face of r&b in Texas. Not cheesy, just real. Which is how I like my r&b, nee, soul music.
Cuz the term r&b hath just become so tainted.

These dudes, I swear. Expect big things.

This was dope when they kind of opened up the mic and handed it to Paris in the crowd.

This was not your normal night, at all. Definitely not your typical rap show.

Kydd closed out the big stage and brought his full band with him.

And Cory Kendrix and DJ Charlie as well.

These dudes are from Austin and are yet ANOTHER FORCE on this here scene. Sounds in my Head #2 is coming soon and I really can't wait. Dude is totally on his own shit, totally. Doesn't sound like anyone else and just comes out and wrecks. Super super fun stuff.

Lookout for Cory Kendrix as well. His solo stuff is jammin'! And also lots of fun. L'z up indeed.

A.Dd+: Paris Pershun and Slim Gravy

E. Dot, Jack Freeman and Picnic - all three doing wonderful things for Texas music right now.

LEGENDS OF TEXAS RAP! Tray God and Flynn D. Man. Tray texted me to tell me he was coming out. You don't know, but dude, back in like 1993 I'd say, was the first time I ever booked Tray's original group Sockeye, like I been knowing him for years, but not just knowing him, he was THERE in my beginnings for real. At the Hip-Hop Coffee Shop in Houston (Now known as Onion Creek, real talk). He hitme up and I said back to him "Yep, nothings changed, I'm still doing Hip-Hop Coffee Shop shows, Lol?" And later that night he yelled out "HIP-HOP COFFEE SHOP LIVES!" Yeah, this is what I do.
And having Tray, Cold Cris and Nick Nack there meant a lot. I am not kidding. Day 1. Maybe Day 2, but pretty much, Day 1.

Was also so great to see DJ Sober. Its really been a while. When I found out he was DJIng for ADd+ I was stoked, and when he said he'd be down to spin some records, I was even more stoked! Great DJ and a great man.
The outdoor stage had to end at midnight, cuz you know, in the Live Music Capitol of the World, home owning sleep fiends have more say than say, the main thing that brings MONEY TO THIS CITY ESPECIALLY ITS DOWNTOWN AREA, so we had B L A C K I E set up inside to rock.

And rock, he did.

This man is a wrecking ball of an MC/Producer and his show is like no other.

Everytime I hip someone to this dude, said someone always has to say some shit like "Oh yeah, he's kinda like this..." And then they send me a youtube video of someone being kind of noisey, or someone being kind of weird.

But alas, no.







On this planet. http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif

This girl is called @pussycontrol on Twitter. So yeah, follow her on Twitter.

Yeah so anyway, the show went perfectly well, people loved it, I loved it, I saw some great friends, made some new friends, and most importantly...
Texas, you are gonna see us all soon. If you read this blog and live in Texas outside of the big cities I need to talk to you asap. Email me right now at austinsurreal@gmail.com and tell me where you are from. Seriously Amarillo, San Angelo, Corpus Christi, McAllen, Marfa, Victoria, Odessa, Midland, El Paso, Lubbock, Tyler, Texarkana, I AM TALKING TO YOU.
Also I will be in New York City with Nive Nielsen this Sunday night till Tuesday night. New York folks, can we BUILD?
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