Check out and for more info and to order the new release Taurus. Austin Powell said on Twitter it may be their best to date, but they all tite tho...
Here's a lil preview of the album, and some photos from the in-store after that. I can't see ever missing one of their shows, if presented with the opportunity.

These are some of the greatest musicians currently doing thangs, right here in Austin.

Indie World Realness? I dunno.

My kids like them too, but they like lil silly toys even more I guess.

Can't take them to Waterloo or Domy, I tell you whut. We got a couple lil Pocket Buddhas tho.

My Eva is a Taurus...

Elena was trying to hear the Mr. T-isms over the music.
Anyhoo, go get that album and see how it's really goin' down around here.
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